Village Hall at Norbury – Spring Update

The Village Hall Committee and volunteers have been busy over the winter months with more improvements – particularly regarding the Hall’s outside areas.

Those who use or pass the Hall regularly will notice a number of new field gates both for vehicles and pedestrians, making the site much more accessible especially for larger events. We have also extended the gravel area down to the side entrance and field, making it easier for users to drop off supplies intended for the bar area.

Our latest addition is a new notice board next to the road. It’s not quite as large as the old one, but please feel free to pin up your community notices – it’s not just intended for Village Hall business. There’s a small catch under the doors to open and secure them afterwards.

Many thanks to Sue, Lynne, Martin and Len for creating the lovely plant border on the sloping bank in front of the entrance lobby. We really look forward to seeing how the plants develop over the seasons.

Norbury’s defibrillator was installed at the Village Hall early January and the two training sessions (hosted by local paramedic Jo) were both very well attended by residents.

Please keep an eye on our website (and new notice board) for information about up and coming events at the Hall – the Arts and Social Group have some fun and interesting things in the pipeline this year…